Monday, July 13, 2009

Labyrinth Rules.

After discussing a choice scene from Requiem for a Dream with David last night, I realized that we had never posted anything from or about the movie Labyrinth. Since it was like, the only movie I watched as a youngen and it not only has Muppet like creatures, but also DAVID BOWIE, our failure to post seems almost epic.

When Rebecca (aka GS/ Soul Glo), David, Megan, Woody and I were in Film theory together, we always tried to fit Labyrinth into the “discussion,” which never really worked out—it just didn’t fit thematically with Shoot the Piano Player. Also, King Jareth didn’t really have the murderous gaze…or did he? (Annnndd that’s pretty much all I remember about film theory…). I also tried at least once to get Labyrinth into the discussion at the Flaherty, though that attempt was in vain as well.

I have yet to meet a Labyrinth hater, which makes the film unique in and of itself. The song from the film is pretty incredible as well—the call and answer between Bowie and Muppet is amazing and ohhhh so imitatable, which is why I’m posting it here!.

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