SNL Season 32: Best Ever? Oh MY SHIA!

As David has mentioned on our blog before, Season 32 of SNL is definitely one of our favorites. It’s possible that we like it because it reminds us of Sunday mornings in Harlem, when we would lounge about the apartment watching the previous night’s SNL while most of our neighbors were at Church. Or it could be because it kind of returned to the off the wall, random humor we loved in the early 90s. I think it’s a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B. I could write about this season all day, but I think David and I are gonna try to have a series on season 32, so keep your eyes peeled!

I happen to really like Maya Rudolph, so perhaps that’s why I enjoy this sketch so much. Her performance as a woman desperate for little Shia’s attention just makes me laugh (out loud?) and there are so many great, quotable lines in the sketch, including, but not limited to, “Oh My Shia.” Which I actually say quite a lot, (I get some strange looks if I say it to anyone but David).
"I've had that joke for two weeks now. And NAILED IT!"
you guys are awesome.
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