Humble Beginnings
For my inaugural post, I feel I should mention the humble beginnings of this blog. David Burch and I lived together in New York City for one year, and when I moved away, we couldn’t stand not talking everyday. Instead of staying on the phone with each other 24/7 we pretty much talk on ichat for at least 8 hours a day. This sounds worse than it is, David and I can multi-task pretty well, and it’s not 8 hours straight, just approximately 8 hours a day.
These conversations vary in topic, but are usually related to pop culture in one way or another. The first time we discussed starting a blog, we were discussing the whereabouts of a secondary character from the early seasons of Full House. This Character, Walter, lovingly nicknamed duckface, has actually done pretty well for himself…

How did Walter figure into the formation of this weblog you ask? Here's the strange, but true answer: David and I discussed his fake romantic future with Stephanie Tanner/ Jodie Sweeten, and thought about how fun making up celebrity gossip would be in blog form.
After a few months of saying “we should really start that fake celebrity gossip blog,” I got a text from David asking if I was interested, for serious this time. So of course I said yes, and here we are… Girl Woodie did a fantastic job with our little logo, and the description of our blog makes us sound super cool—I imagine the dozens of readers we are expecting will often be weirded out by David and me, but what the hey…

These conversations vary in topic, but are usually related to pop culture in one way or another. The first time we discussed starting a blog, we were discussing the whereabouts of a secondary character from the early seasons of Full House. This Character, Walter, lovingly nicknamed duckface, has actually done pretty well for himself…

How did Walter figure into the formation of this weblog you ask? Here's the strange, but true answer: David and I discussed his fake romantic future with Stephanie Tanner/ Jodie Sweeten, and thought about how fun making up celebrity gossip would be in blog form.
After a few months of saying “we should really start that fake celebrity gossip blog,” I got a text from David asking if I was interested, for serious this time. So of course I said yes, and here we are… Girl Woodie did a fantastic job with our little logo, and the description of our blog makes us sound super cool—I imagine the dozens of readers we are expecting will often be weirded out by David and me, but what the hey…
Welcome to the blogosphere! You will be such a big hit that others will start fake celebrity gosspip sites about you two.
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