Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Made Up Celebrity Gossip!

Blind Item! 

Which actress, who seems to have stopped aging in the early 90s and has a new hit TV show, is using powerful Haitian voodoo to drain the youth from her bedraggled former child-co-star?

In light of recent events we thought it’d simplify things to release complete list of celebrities that AREN’T gay:

Patrick StewartAnyone that can spend that much time with Jonathan Frakes’ beard without succumbing to temptation is definitely full-on hetero.
Tom Selleck
Michael PhelpsHe’s only gay for me.
Christian Bale 
The Jonas Brothers - Congratulations tween girls! 
Angelica Huston
Brad PittDammit!
Dexter Freebish
Peter O’TooleIn spite of his name AND Lawrence of Arabia.
Connie Chung
The Starting Line-up of the Minnesota Vikings
Portia de RossiShe’s actually a man.
Laura Bush
Ryan SeacrestYeah, who would’ve guessed it.
Rue McClanahan
Buddy EbsenNo matter how much Jethro threw himself at him.

Everyone else... gay! 

Things I'm Obsessed With: Dan Hopper

Ok, so Dan isn’t so much a “Thing” I’m obsessed with, he’s more like a person/blogger I’m obsessed with, but I’m sticking with our blog’s theme…

Dan Hopper writes for bestweekever.tv, the companion blog for the television show of the same name. With the exception of one or two posts in his entire career, I’ve enjoyed them all and I always LOL at some point while reading. I usually send David a link to whichever post I’m currently reading, and he usually says, “oh, I was wondering when you’d send me that.”

So yeah, Dan H. and I are kindred spirits, and if I still lived in NYC I think I’d probably stalk him. I’d do it subtly though, and be all like OMG you’re Dan Hopper, and he’d be all flattered for being recognized, then we’d get married and live happily ever after. Some links to my favorite Dan Posts so you can read him in all of his glory are after the jump:

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Things That Actually Happened - Woman Wearing Cow Suit Arrested

Sometimes it's just nice to be reminded that the world is a mysterious and wonderful place as evidenced by something like this: 

This, by the way, is totally my new desktop wallpaper. 

Ferris Bueller Comes to Life!

A group known as Project Bueller is calling upon not hundreds but thousands of volunteers to recreate the parade scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off at this years Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, making them easily the coolest people I've ever heard of. 

Repo! The Genetic Opera Soundtrack

The "Repo! The Genetic Opera" original motion picture soundtrack was released today. Though sadly the iTunes version is incomplete and "song only." So there's no Buy Album feature, making it virtually useless. For those of you that don't know, Repo! is an obsession of both of mine and Laura's, a freaky gothic rock opera from the director of Saw starring Paris Hilton and Anthony Stewart Head, Giles from Buffy! It's going to be a fantastic train wreck of a cult movie. Here's our favorite song from the film, thus far, which we've been listening to on youtube for a good chunk of the summer:

Zydrate Anatomy

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dow Closes Down 777 Points, I'm Still Poor

 I normally make it a rule not to cover any actual news on this blog. Politics are just too unseemly and most of things that make the news are just too depressing to think about, but sometimes real news is just to important to ignore. The Dow closed down 777 points for the day today, the largest point drop ever in a single day. 

As an American with no job and no assets I say to all of you... Welcome! 
Don't worry America, it's not that bad. There's room for at least two more on my couch. Also, $1 value menus are still going strong. Seriously, Wendy's has this new spicy chicken wrap thing that's positively amazing. Also, at least your one bedroom apartment doesn't cost $1400 a month. You could be living in Manhattan. Sure the credit crunch might rob you of your job and kill your home values... but think of all the time you'll have to blog. There are like 20 flavors of Ramen noodles and I can tell you which of the bottom shelf liquors don't dissolve your throat on contact. 

Pop Culture Tourettes: Billy Madison

If you know me, and I’m assuming you do because our readership isn’t that widespread, then you’ve probably noticed that most of what I say comes from either a movie or a television show. Sometimes I try manage to successfully incorporate these quotes into the conversation I’m having, but many times I just randomly say things that have nothing to do with anything being said. David calls this phenomenon “Pop Culture Tourettes.”

For the past week or so I’ve been trying to catch myself in the act, so I could share some of my most quoted movies and tv shows with my blog. This exercise has taught me that the movies I quote most often are kind of bizarre, and this might have to be a daily post, because I think maybe 90% of what I say is unoriginal. The first movie I’ll mention/explore in this series is Billy Madison, because oddly enough, this one comes up daily. See how I manage to use these quotes after the jump.

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Things I'm Obsessed With: Leet Speak

Leet speak, where leet or 1337 (see how it looks like letters?) means elite, is an internet dialect of sorts used primarily for text chats in online gaming and on message boards. It often involves replacing letters with numbers or other characters which resemble them, the use of deliberate misspelling and punctuation for comedic effect, and frequently features overly dramatic emphasis. 

The most important word is pwn (own), which supposedly evolved from the proximity of the p to the o on the qwerty keyboard, making it an easy typo. To pwn is to dominate or claim victory over someone.

Examples: "You just got pwned!" "Dude I powned your ass!!11!!1!" or simply "PWNT!!!11eleventy!!!!

More about leet and some video examples after the jump.

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Jenna Maroney - Muffin Top

Jenna Maroney, star of The Rural Juror, sings her hit song, Muffin Top. It's #1 in Israel and #4 in Belgium.

SNL Season 32: Best Ever? Oh MY SHIA!

As David has mentioned on our blog before, Season 32 of SNL is definitely one of our favorites. It’s possible that we like it because it reminds us of Sunday mornings in Harlem, when we would lounge about the apartment watching the previous night’s SNL while most of our neighbors were at Church. Or it could be because it kind of returned to the off the wall, random humor we loved in the early 90s. I think it’s a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B. I could write about this season all day, but I think David and I are gonna try to have a series on season 32, so keep your eyes peeled!

This particular post is about a Sketch from the Shia LeBeouf episode. I distinctly recall asking David, “Who the ef is Shia LeBeouf?” His answer of, “he was the dude in Holes and Even Stevens,” was not satisfactory, so I watched this episode ignorant of the LeBeouf’s awesomeness. He quickly won me over with his hosting abilities, and frankly, I might have to have a short series of posts on his SNL greatness. I digress. ANYWAY, the particular sketch I’d like to share with you is from the end of the show, and I’m sure it just barely made the cut. After the jump, I bring you “Shia and Maya

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life Imitates Art

Below is a still from Silent Hill 4: The Room and a picture I took of my friend Bryce outside a movie theater where we saw Dakota Fanning in "Hounddog" (aka the movie where Dakota Fanning gets raped.)  Uncanny no? 


Video Tribute to Paul Newman

Paul Newman 1925-2008

Random Youtube Video - Awkward Squirrel Lust

This post was inspired by a facebook wall posting from my friend Rebecca, that simply said "Blow me to Bermuda!" from the classic Disney movie "Sword in the Stone."

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Office: Weight Loss

This week’s Office return was exceptional. I feel like the show is off to a good start…returning back to basics. Not so much of the crazy weird Michael Scott antics that we saw last year, case in point, driving into a lake. Not funny. The show had a few hits and misses after the writer's strike last year, but definitely ended on a high note, and I’m glad to feel so positive about the premiere!

This week we saw classic Stanley, Dwangela, Michael and Ryan’s Bromance, Kelly collapse, and JIM AND PAM GET ENGAGED!! Seriously, what more could we ask for? A picture of the Staypuft Marshmellow man? DONE AND DONE! I was taking notes for this post last night, and ended up with about 4 ½ pages of quotes, so I did some major editing and I’m sharing what I thought was funny with you, my loyal readers.

After the jump, some of my favorite moments and quotes.

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2 of my Favorite Things: Batman and The Venture Bros.


In Case You Didn't Know... The Chenbot

Those of you who don't watch Big Brother may not be aware that it's the first TV show hosted by an android. I give you.... Julie Chen (aka the Chenbot.)

Britney Spears - Womanizer... Really?

Britney's new single, "Womanizer" is on the radio today.

First impression... it sort of sounds like Kathleen Turner saying the word "womanizer" over and over again through a fan.

Sample lyric: "womanizer, woma-woma-womanizer, womanizer, oh oh, you're a womanizer" *sigh*

Things I'm Obsessed With: Peter Cetera's Glory of Love

It's difficult for me to express in words the depth of my obsession with this song and video, an obsession which began two years ago when it came on VH1 randomly and Laura and I recorded it on TiVo and preceded to watch it over and over again. It's not a stretch to say that "Glory of Love" is our jam. 

The production values on this video are amazing, mixing clips from Karate Kid, Part II with footage of Cetera performing what has to be some of the whitest "choreography" ever put to film.  Seriously. Check out those jazz hands. I'm also mesmerized by his teeth, not sure what's going on there.

What began as an ironic obsession turned into genuine love for this song. So check it out, you won't be disappointed. 

Lyrics, trivia, and a Glory of Love cover after the jump. 

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Blaine's Dive of Death, What Went Wrong?

By now most of you have heard about the lameness that was David Blaine's Dive of Death, though if you haven't it's totally worth watching the video below. He jumps around 1:50 and the crowd responds with a LOT of booing, during which he just sort of awkwardly hangs in mid air.

Apparently Blaine was originally going to jump and catch onto balloons in mid air and then float away on them, or so he says in a hasty street interview on TMZ. He claims that the broadcast delay caused by Bush's speech and subsequent weather problems made the stunt impossible as it was planned. It sounds like complete BS, except that I took a picture of the aforementioned balloons and harness and blogged about them yesterday calling them "so much cooler than anything Blaine is up to." 

Also, how the hell did this end up being the David Blaine blog? 

Sometimes the Internet Fails Us: The Guy Who Plays Mr. Belvedere Fan Club

I think I’m one of like 25 people to actually own “SNL: The Best of Tom Hanks” on dvd, but I’m pretty sure I bought it with this sketch in mind. There are some other gems on the dvd, including “The 5 Timers Club,” and “Mr. Short Term Memory,” but “The guy that plays Mr. Belvedere Fan Club” is one of my all time favorite SNL sketches. If I didn’t have this dvd, I would curse the Internet for not containing this sketch.

The Guy Who Plays Mr. Belvedere Fan Club
From SNL Transcripts
[ open on interior, Conference Room B ]

Mr. Chairman: Okay, today's meeting comes to order, and, my friends, we have scored another major coup for all members in good standing. Now, don't concern yourself with how we did it, because it involves unsightly back-room haggling. Just get ready to enjoy another great first as a card-carrying fan of Mr. Belvedere, alright? If you leave your membership plaque on the dashboard of your car, Joe Gally said that we can park in the handicapped space at his brother's conveniece mart.

Cheryl: That's so wonderful, because sometimes I only have a few items to buy, like wine and cat food, and now I can go in and out much quicker!

Mr. Chairman: Right! So, enjoy! Okay, and now, to our next order of business is.. ah.. the nickname issue. Now, last time we spoke, we resolved to come up with a nickname for Mr. Belvedere that only we use, so we can identify each other in a strange town or something? Alright, ideas?

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Blogging Doesn't Pay

Everyone once in a while I'm quite happy that I don't have large sums of cash, mostly because Think Geek.com would make me poor if I had any money. Case in point these sets of Nintendo Vinyl Restickable Wall Decals, a steal at $75 a piece. Seriously. $75.... for each set. 

And yet, it would be so awesome to have a computer/gameroom with Donkey Kong on the walls... or health insurance. 

Keeping My Word...

Best Week Ever had the goods... The Leanne Rap

WikiTrivia - Tidbits I Learned on Wikipedia This Week

Francis Ford Coppola directed Captain EO, of Epcot fame, and Jack, that Robin Williams movie where he ages really fast.

The name of the infamous Final Jeopardy theme music is “Think!”

David Blaine has a full reproduction tattoo of Salvador Dali's "Christ of St. John of the Cross" spanning his entire back, also he sucks at life.

The fictional Morley cigarette brand, preferred brand of The X-Files’ Cigarette Smoking Man and Buffy’s Spike also appears in the following:

200 Cigarettes, Beverly Hills, 90210, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, ER, Everybody Hates Chris, Freddy Got Fingered, The L Word,  Malcolm in the Middle, Mission: Impossible, Nash Bridges, The Outer Limits, Platoon, Prison Break, Saving Grace, Space: Above and Beyond, Spy Game, That '70s Show, and The Twilight Zone.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kenley, Why Won't You Die?!?

Tonight's Project Runway was kind of a beautiful train wreck. The designs were a hot mess, but I can't recall an episode where we got so much time with the designers interacting which resulted in the revelation of one immutable truth: everyone hates Kenley, almost as much as I do. 

Korto (on making Kenley look good on the runway): “I’m not gonna lie… especially not for someone like Kenley.” 

I was particularly fond of her confession which went like this: “Kenley’s a hip-hop designer *incredulous look* yep. I can’t wait for tomorrow.” I love you Korto!
After the jump, I list the reasons that Kenley is a terrible human being. Also I'll talk about my favorite moments from this week, one of them even involves Kenley! 

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This week's Columbia Music Scene

Since David posted about one of the many exciting things happening in NYC this week, I think I should maybe do the same for little ‘ole Columbia. Columbia has actually had its share of excitement this past week, musically anyway. The Friday night concert in five points was great, though it had a very unfortunate end, and the New Pornographers put on an amazing show Monday night. Last, but certainly not least in the Columbia, SC music scene, my own personal Rock Band. “Deadgar Alan Poe” continues to rock the video crowd at 130 South Shandon Street, even though the set list is admittedly stale (we’re planning to expand this on November 18).


PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk
Group Says Move Would Help Humans, Cows

Every time I see a headline featuring them I wonder if they're some ultra right wing group trying to make liberals look insane. Sadly they're not. Way to keep the focus on important issues PETA!

Live Blogging: My Afternoon with David Blaine

So I decided to treat myself this afternoon with a visit to David Blaine's Dive of Death, taking place right now at the Wollman Rink in Central Park. I figured I could live blog the experience and bring it to you, our dozens of readers. But since I don't have an iPhone and carrying my laptop around seemed silly, I'm using the word live blogging to mean I wrote things down in my notebook and took pictures with my camera phone. (I don't own a real digital camera. Sad day)

In case you aren't up to speed you can read about his stunt here and read the many people bitching about how he's not really upside down all, or even most of, the time here and here

Read about my experience after the jump.

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Things I'm Obsessed With: Liz Lemon

It's difficult to express all my love for my TV alter ego, Elizabeth Conworthy (not her middle name) Lemon, and to write about anything having to do with 30 Rock without writing everything about 30 Rock. But if I were a female 30-something television producer, I would definitely want to be her or Jane Epsenson, but probably Liz. The producer of the fictional TGS with Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock has added so much to my every day vocabulary:

"Blerg." - Yes, Lemon, blerg!

"Dag!" - As in, "Dag, who does that?!?"

"Shut it down!"

"It is ill."

All the reasons I love Liz and video tributes, after the jump.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Whaat?!? Nooooo!