Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MJ, gone but not forgotten.

As a friend pointed out to me via twitter, it is bizarre that a blog that has the amazing title “Pop Cultured” failed to post about MJ. Well, when the shocking events transpired last week, I was making sure 170 filmmakers, cinephiles, programmers, (yada, yada, yada…) were being sufficiently entertained, so I didn’t get a chance to reflect. But, said friend had a good point, so I figured it was better late than never.

Since nostalgia is a constant theme in our posts, I think this one should focus on all the good times I had with Michael… Just to be clear, Michael was never there with me—I want that to be PERFECTLY clear.

My Michael memories after the jump!!

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Flaherty Seminar 2009

For the third summer in a row, I've been lucky enough to work at, and attend the Robert Flaherty Film seminar. This year we're trying new types of outreach via twitter, facebook, and various blogs, so I've volunteered POPCULTURED to be one of the blogs. I actually don't know that I'll be able to write anything of substance this week, but I'll give it a shot--I know at least a few of our readers will be interested in the films screening, and the filmmakers attending. Below is a description of this year's seminar:

"Witnesses, Monuments, Ruins"
"Moving images have become the most common mode of relating to the events of our times – whether catastrophic wars, political change, or precious moments of everyday life. These images capture the words and gestures of those who speak before a camera. They observe the monuments and ruins left by the past. And they also interpret, intervene in, and re-invent the testimonial act itself.

The 2009 Flaherty Seminar will explore the act of bearing witness - bringing memory, experience, and history into the present - through an eclectic range of topics and formal approaches, in works from the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, Europe, and the United States."

Friday, June 12, 2009


For those of you who have been reading PopCultured from the beginning, you might remember a post I wrote about my FAVORITE blogger in the entire universe—save for maybe, Kristin Morris. Anyway, tonight, said blogger, AKA Dan Hopper was performing with his sketch comedy group at the UCB theater, and because Mr. Hopper blogged about it, I WAS THERE. Well needless to say, I came home from a long day of work, freshened up my make up, then headed back downtown 150 blocks to be exact, to see my hero in person. The rest of my story, and a picture AFTER THE JUMP!!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Karma is a Bitch.

Maybe it's schadenfreude, but I couldn't help but be happy about Miss California being dethroned.This puts one point in the plus column for the Donald, as far as I'm concerned. I can't help but imagine her screaming "Whyyyyyyy, whyyyyy?!?" Nancy Kerrigan style.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Goodbye, Muppet style...

Oy vey, the last few weeks have been super crazy. I moved out of a house, participated in my brother's wedding festivities, prepared for a month long trip to the big city, and last but not least, moved away from Columbia, SC.

Whenever I leave NYC, or really anywhere, I think of this song and it makes me tear up a little--not gonna lie. Anyway, I thought it'd be a pretty appropriate song to post after my move to G'ville.

Anddd, to all of my Cola pals, I miss you already :).