Real Housewives New York Reunion Cartoon.
We claim on our site to be "the #1 Muppet/Same-sex Marriage Activism/American Idol/SNL blog on the web," so the current events of this week made me want to post this video:
This conversation actually makes me look like a crazy person.
D: Can you imagine how much more fun we'll have?
L: It's true Lefou
D: You say that daily now
L: I know
D: and I found myself repeating it in an OCD fashion when I woke up this morning
D: Like it was stuck in my head like a song
L: hahahahahhahahahahahhaha
D: I got up this morning and I randomly said "It's true Lefou"
L: It's true Lefou, and I've got my sights set on that one...
L: What the inventors daughter?
D: Yes. I ran through the whole thing
L: ...She's the one, the lucky girl I'm going to marry...
L: But, she's...
D: and it's all your fault
L: ...the most beautiful girl in town...
L: ...that makes her the best, and don't I deserve the best?
D: I figured you'd enjoy inspiring that bit of insanity
L: it was inspiring
L: it inspires me to annoy you
I read this article today and almost had a conniption fit...
Apparently Fran Rubel Kuzui, the director of the 1992 P.O.S. film,
I found this early 90s Encyclopedia Britannica on youtube and was struck with a very powerful memory of hating this guy from a very young age. An aside, isn't it weird to imagine having a home encyclopedia as your primary means of researching things? Bizarre.
L: Annie asked why the gays gravitate towards me
D: Hah
D: It's just the nerdy gays
L: yes, that does seem to be a theme
D: There's a whole group of gays with overplucked eyebrows and fake tans that aren't drawn to you
D: So remember how I was allergic to Special K with berries?
D: I had a weird reaction to Regular Special K today
L: weird
D: I know
L: the newest trailer for "Land of the Lost" makes me actually want to see it
D: I've actually heard good things
L: I do love some Danny McBride
D: And I love Sleestaks
D: I wish we could get a return to the fantasy/sci-fi sitcoms of the 60s and 70s
L: Dammit man I'm a Doctor, not a time traveler!
D: I'd love a single-camera office like show but with a genie or a witch
D: and the same style of mundane humor
L: hahaha
D: That's actually a great pitch
D: Or my Special K reaction is crippling my brain
L: hahaha
D: or both
It's the end of the road folks. The last episode of Idol voting and the first half of what will surely be a bonkers finale, filled with pimping, random cameos, the return of Shrill Rounds and that blind guy that turned out to be funny. Here's hoping Megan Joy gets a song about birds tomorrow night.
Unfortunately, none of that exciting stuff will happen in this episode (except the pimping). Instead we get the worst episode of every season of Idol... the top 2 performance episode. How I wish the finale allowed the final 2, who should theoretically be at their best, to interpret and change up three new songs of their own choosing. Instead we get one retread, one horrific pick by Simon Fuller, and Kara has kindly written the worst song in the history of music for the contestants to bleat!
This is American Idol? And this.... is my last recap, after the jump.
Adam Lambert - "Mad World"
The upshot of this performance is that for anyone who failed to set their DVR to go long and missed it the first time... it's new to you. Unless, like me, you just looked it up on YouTube. My first reaction is... that coat... really? It's very "Neo Sings." The vocal is impeccable but I kind of have to wonder if the theatrics on this don't just distract from the song. I mean... there's lots of smoke but he's just wandering around the stage aimlessly. Given what's coming up, this was his one chance to rock and pull a full on Tranny Squeal and I find myself really disappointed. Randy gives him "an A+ on that one, dude, an A for Adam." Kara talks but I'm still not over "No Boundaries" yet so I ignore her. Paula is "unbelievably proud." Simon thinks "it was a little bit over-theatrical" and it "reminded [him] a little bit of Phantom of the Opera" and he could not be more right. If Adam had a boat and a lantern he wouldn't be able to stop himself from belting out "Music of the Night," though frankly calling something "over-theatrical" is basically just acknowledging that the performer is Adam.
Kris Allen - "Ain't No Sunshine"
This is a smart move on Kris' part because he doesn't have overwhelming expectations on this song, it lets him play the piano, and there's a good chance he can top the vocal from his first performance. He effing slays it! While Adam looked like he was confused about his blocking at a high school play... Kris looks like he's giving a concert. Randy "hopes the Lakers win tonight." Kara says that Kris "has a way of forming an intimate bond with everyone in the audience." Somewhere from the audience Matt Giraud screams at Kris, "Run! Run!" Paula says he "awakens the spirit in all of us." What? Oh apparently he does it by "Allen-izing" songs. And we're moving on.
L: Blah, I have such a girl crush on Lady Gaga
D: Hah
D: Woodie can talk you through that
L: Heh
Sorry to do this twice in a row, but it'll be a daily thing for a while...I know how everyone has missed PopCultured popping up in their Google Readers and RSS feeds! Also, I'm pretty sure there'll be an AI and Glee recap to look forward to today!!
The initial "Mission Statement," if you will, for this blog was to put forth an idea of what it was like to hang out with Laura and David. In that spirit, and much against my co-blogger's wishes (I'm sure), I'm going to start posting excerpts from some of our nerdier and more amusing conversations with more frequency--cause, come on, who wouldn't want to read more gems like this classic?
With that said, here's the conversation that inspired my revamped desire to post these things:
L: “Selfless” Anya’s make-up is much scarier than Anya’s make-up in “The Wish”
D: Really?
D: I tend to think the other way around
D: But maybe because you only see her for a second in “The Wish”
L: Haha
L: yeah
L: It just seems much more severe to me in “Selfless”
D: This is a conversation no one should ever have
L: I know
L: and I think we should post it
D: No
L: please?
D: No
L: awwwww
D: That's a dealbreaker, lady
L: Hahahah
L: Maybe I should start a Tumblr of David and Laura convos that you never find out about
D: I mean you could, but it would only compete with the website we already have
L: Hahaha
D: There's really not that large a market for fans of us
D: Pretty much just people who know us, like gay marriage and the Muppets, or hate Danny Gokey
Sorry David.
It's the time kids. Top 3, where the producers bring out the big guns to help get rid of contestants they don't want in the finale... Judge's Choice song selections. Though I doubt anything will ever top Syesha's song last year, a completely unknown dance-pop song from the soundtrack of Happy Feet, Hit Me Up. Let's see how the judges throw Kris under the bus and what they can say to push Chokey Karaoke Gokey into the finals.
My dear friend Amy is subject to very odd things happening to her, which is great for her friends, because she's a great writer, and at least once a month we get crazy emails telling us these stories. My favorite is when a Cabbie threw a Poland Spring bottle full of urine at her head for not getting out of the cab quickly enough.
We got one such email today, and I feel the need to share it with you, my readers, b/c it's awesome.
Omg. Last night I got in a cab to go home and I got the craziest cab driver on the planet. This man tried to make me write a story about him and he forceabley handed me multiple religious tracts and a DVD about himself (he claims one of them is gonna be at Sundance) and he calls himself "Rolling for Jesus" (see attached photo)...he did not stop preaching to me (or talking about himself and all that he does to help others) - he also gives all of his passengers toy to play with in the back (sketch) and pizza and or garlic knots (which he offered to me like 3x) (also sketch) --- and he had 200 bagels in his trunk. FACT. He tried to give me a dozen, but I just wanted to get out of the car b/c even though I am sure he is trying to do a nice thing and help less fortunate people, it was all very bizzaro. Apparently he owns 2 cabs and has a huge house already paid for in Williamsburg, so he just does this for fun...and if you can't pay him in full it's ok to give him whatever you have.
DUDE. This guy is so bogus.
HOW/WHY do these things happen to me????
For further info on said cab driver, click here.
So last night I received this email from my mother, subject: "Star Trek."
Hope you're doing something fun tonight, but if you're home there is something about Star Trek on the History Channel. It's about Christie's Auction House getting ready for an auction of Star Trek stuff. They looked at episodes and matched up the costumes and props etc. You would like it! MOM
I'm glad my mother has accepted me as the nerd that I am. Also, the Star Trek movie was incredible. Live long and prosper.
For those of you who didn't see last night's Idol, here's the most annoying sound in the world. Any Gokey fans out there want to step up and tell me I'm wrong about this? No seriously... I just want to see someone try to defend this.
I didn't know these existed... a YouTube compilation video of funny slip-ups that's actually funny.
Are you ready to rock?!? Idol isn't as Seacrest explains that for the first time the finalists haven't had a dress rehearsal, because one of the giant neon Idol signs exploded and fell down. This should be interesting as it means for once the judges will have to critique only the performances they're watching now instead of the dress rehearsal they normally take notes on. Anyone else expecting a massive Kara fail? Oh everyone? Moving along then.
Slash is the mentor and even he is like "Yeah. Who would think I'd end up on this show?" But, alas, even Slash needs a little publicity now and then. He's a badass throughout. I have to admit. When I heard that they were doing Rock Week I never expected it to be filled with so many actual rock songs. Seriously. It's like a Guitar Hero concert for tweens up in here.
Who sucked? (Danny) Who rocked? (Adam, almost literally with his cock out... those pants!) Find out after the jump. This........................ is my American Idol recap!
It's the first Saturday in May, meaning it's time for that sweet, minty, bourbony Southern concoction, the Mint Julep. Mom says mine is the best she's ever had, so apparently I'm a pretty gifted bar tender. Here's a pic:
P.S. I too am bummed that I couldn't use a silver Mint Julep cup, but they were out of commission this year. Also, I'm pulling for Jenny Craig's Horse, "Chocolate Candy."
I fear for people whose primary news source is the headlines that pop up when you log on to Yahoo! News, and frankly I guess those people are doing better than the ones that don't read anything. Right now they're leading off with this major story:
Since I watch a lot of "tru tv," I tend to catch this commercial several times a night and I've been meaning to write about it for a while, so here goes...
I'm just amazed that the selling points of this device include eavesdropping on your neighbors and one-upping the animals you're hunting.