One of You Will Be Out... No Seriously This TIme

Like we learn than Korto is a refugee of the Liberian civil war. (Spellcheck first corrected that to librarian civil war, which will be my favorite war when it finally happens.) Her collection looks interesting and prompts Tim to say "snatch shot" which I rewound about five times on TiVo and ultimately turned on closed captioning to make sure he hadn't said snap shot. So, kudos Korto.

More Project Runway after the jump.

Kenley lives in Brooklyn. Is anyone surprised? Bueller? Sadly her collection looks good. Which means I was kidding when I was taking notes on this episode and wrote "I just can’t even deal with these collections. If Kenley’s is good I’m going to have to sit on a knife"
Back at the “ studio," it's time for the one-more-challenge challenge, with the designers instructed to make a bridesmaid dress to go along with the wedding dress they were already forced to shoehorn into their collection. I'm pretty sure that if I sat down and made a list of all the ways the designers could show off their skills "make a bridesmaid dress" would come just before "mold a cocktail dress out of cat litter."

Also, Kenley's whole I'm-trying-to-be-nice-now-my-dead-grandmother-inspires-me arc combined with her solid looking collections means she might win. Really Project Runway? Are you going to do that to us?
Next Week: The producers pretend that six contestants aren't showing at Bryant Park.
Next Week: The producers pretend that six contestants aren't showing at Bryant Park.
I completely forgot about JerHell's clip-on tie neclace. Unforgivable ...
CLICK HERE for David Dust's Project Runway recap.
yep. tim gunn said snatch. yikes.
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