Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

G-Wood Orig.

"I think google wave must be some sort of google prank"

- Girl Woodie

Sunday, December 13, 2009


me: i have really good news for you, Farihah
me: You've Got Mail is on television
me: hahahahah
Farihah: i have a terrible hangover that was too much for me
me: awwww
me: i sorry
Farihah: it's not your fault
Farihah: it's meg ryan's fault
me: i know, i know
me: and one of the Marshalls...
me: did Garry direct that?
me: or Penny?
me: or am i way off
me: oh
me: it was nora ephron
me: i was way off
Farihah: it's okay to have amnesia about nora ephron
Farihah: norepinephron
me: hahahahha

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I miss Arrested Development.

"Say what you will about America…$13 still gets you a hell of a lot of mice."

-George Michael Bluth