Saturday, September 26, 2009

G-Wood Orig.

I heart a League of Their Own, and I can understand why the little unicorn dog with cowboy boots might be tempted to draw a knife after such an argument. See more of these charming illustrations, and many Tegan and Sara, or is it (Sara and Tegan?) videos on her blog.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't Go Back to Rockville

So, as many of you know, I recently made the move to the greater DC area, more specifically Rockville, MD. I won't have cable or internet until this weekend, and I'm rarely able to get on the computer during work, which is why my blog presence has been non existent for the last few weeks. Anyway, in honor of my move, here's a nice song about my new town...

I'd say about 50% of my friends started singing this, or texted these lyrics to me when they found out where I was moving. Kudos 90's college radio nerds.

One Year Old...

Today was Pop Cultured's one year anniversary!! God...have we been doing this thing for an entire year?

Where does the time go?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fruity Marshmallow Krispies

This evening I was doing a little random link hopping on YouTube and ended up at my favorite childhood cereal commercial... Fruity Marshmallow Krispies. My love for the Krispies jingle is two-fold: 1) It's catchy as hell. In fact I'm singing it in my head as I type this. 2) It totally sounds like the announcer sings "lots of fruity marshmallow shit" about 6 seconds in and you really can't imagine how much I enjoyed that when I was seven.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

This makes me happy:

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Survivor - Hugest Penises on Reality TV

I get that after 19 seasons, it's tough to come up with new ways to promote a series but really CBS? Is this the best you can do? There have already been four seasons with a cast of 20 survivors (don't judge me for knowing that) so that can't be used as justification for this campaign.

Based on this ad I can only assume that this season's twist is that all the guys are really hung. Come to think of it that might not be the worst idea for a season of Survivor.



BTW, we won the '87 game against Clemson, woo!