Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Someone explain this to me...
Why is Demi Lovato singing with Beeker and the Electric Mayhem? Seems unfair to me.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Best Picture 2008 - The Results Are In!
The Academy Awards are tomorrow night and while you're cleaning up your pad for your big Oscar Party, printing out ballots, brewing up a batch of Marga-Readers and grilling up some Slawdogs Millionaire, we figured you'd like to finally know the results of our very own Best Picture poll.
The Nominees were:

Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway
The following video of a chimpanzee riding on a segway set to an annoyingly catchy pop song is a tiny glimpse into the utter insanity that lies at the heart of the internet. Also, has anyone ever actually ridden a Segway? I've always wanted to ever since I got really into Arrested Development. If only I knew where to rent one and a giant banana costume.
Friday, February 20, 2009
American Idol Top 36 - Group 2 Dance Video
Oh the ridiculousness that is the Semi FInal dance montage! Also, why has Kris Allen gotten no screen time up til now? He's adorable and that can't be said about any other dudes this season.
People likely to move on up from this group, aka the people that have already been pimped to hell: Matt Breitzeke, Adam Lambert, and Jasmine Murray
Is anyone else excited about seeing Blind Guy dance in the preview for Group 3? Just me? Oh come on!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Snuggie Pub Crawl
This story about a NYC Snuggie Pub Crawl has made the rounds with me and my high
school/middle girlfriends via Facebook thread this week. I'm pretty sure they're planning a trip to NYC to do actually participate...and I'd so go if I had any money--but perhaps David can go and live blog for us.
Anyway, I wanted to share it on Pop Cultured to highlight how this stupid invention, and silly commercial have inched their way into popular culture. I don't go a day without hearing something about the Snuggie, which makes me question my circle(s) of friends. That being said, I do have to mention that my sister and I recently purchased 2 of these things for my Brother and his future wife for their "around the house" wedding shower...I hope Elizabeth isn't reading today, otherwise I just ruined the surprise factor. Also, this is a picture message (hence the poor quality) sent to me of my friend Katherine Modeling the Snuggie, kind of like Jesus would.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dollhouse, My Thoughts.
So the much anticipated premier of Dollhouse has come and has passed, and as a Whedonite/amateur pop culture blogger, my opinion of the show has been asked on several occasions in the past few days. Though my love for Joss has always trumped my hate for Dushku, I was initially skeptical when I heard about the show. So I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed the show as much as I did--I had high hopes and I wasn’t disappointed, which is saying something…
The first 2 or 3 minutes scared me, when we saw “Echo” basically acting like Faith the Vampire Slayer. It is well known that I HATE Faith, she annoys me to no end, and the thought of having to deal with her again kind of frightened me. BUT the show flashed to an actual storyline/engagement that looked kind of fun, and showcased some of the variety that we might look forward to in future episodes (God willing).
The episode not only focused on the weekly engagement, but also introduced us to some of the season/series long arcs. The FBI investigation looks like it will provide plenty of fun drama, if not plenty of strange boxing flashbacks. Amy Acker’s small part as a scarred up doctor will no doubt be amazing—I do hope, however, that she doesn’t somehow become an active, only to have her mind imprinted with a blue demon goddess, though that might be kinda neat, I digress…
Anyway, I really think this show has great potential for an interesting assortment of episodes, so I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes. And I’m hoping FOX doesn’t eff it up.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Yet another Watchmen video...
Since I have taken upon myself to post any and all Watchmen related news and videos on Pop Cultured, It is my blogger duty to link you to an "exclusive" Watchmen clip. I feel like before March 6, I will have seen the entire movie, via internet, but oh well...
American Idol Semifinals Group 1 Tonight
Monday, February 16, 2009
Song that I legitmately like from FOTC
I generally like the songs on Flight of the Conchords, but I haven't connected to any of the music in the second season like I did with the first season. That being said, I really like the song, "Carol Brown" from last nights episode. I don't write about music very well, so I couldn't say why I like it, other than the fact that it's catchy and clever. It's no Business Time, but it makes me smile:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I got on here to post about this commercial I saw after Friday's Jeopardy, which has been stuck in my head all afternoon. When I noticed that our Simpson's HD post was our 400th I told Steve. His response: "Was it a sentence and a video?" With that said:
This commercial has been in my head all day long! "You can call me Nannerpuss, Nannerpus!"
The Simpsons in HD
The first HD episode of The SImpsons airs tonight and here's the updated opening title sequence.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter Trailer
It seems to be Pop Cultured/Laura's policy to post any and all awesome videos related to Watchmen. Who's getting excited?!?!?
Friday, February 13, 2009
Fun Blog--other than Pop Cultured.
No idea if how old this blog is, but I just came across it, and I enjoy it's content, so without further ado, "People who deserve it."
Kittens! Inspired by Kittens
While I have said before that the fabulous Single Ladies little girl is my child I think were I ever to engage in the terrifying act of burdening a child with my genetics I'd be much more likely to end up with something like this little girl. She's fantastic and a hot mess.
"I'm her mother!" "No! She's not!"
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
American Idol Top 36 Revealed Tonight
I'm pumped about tonight's 2 hour American Idol for two reasons: I'm excited to see the semi-finalists and get to the point where we get to vote and I'm THRILLED to see Tatiana del Toro's dreams crushed on nation television. Please judges. Please send this heinous girl and her laugh made of pure nightmares home tonight.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Westminster Dog Show, Night 2!
The Second and final night of the Westminster Dog show took place this evening, and the show was "terrier-ific..." [I'll be here all night folks...]. Below are the winners, and Best in Show is after the Jump!
Stats via
Sporting Group
Sussex Spaniel
16 Ch Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee
Sex: Dog
AKC: SN 61688903
Date of Birth: December 01, 1998
Breeder: Douglas Horn & Douglas Johnson & Dee Duffy
Sire: Ch Three D Genghis Khan
Dam: Ch Clussexx Sprinkled With Dew
Owner: Cecilia Ruggles & Beth Dowd & Scott Sommer
Famous Sussex Spaniels- none (so far...)
Toy Group
Brussels Griffon
10 Ch Cilleine Masquerade
Sex: Dog
AKC: TR 35946701
Date of Birth: October 16, 2004
Breeder: Denise Barney
Sire: Ch Cilleine Tango
Dam: Donlors Mirror Image
Owner: M & E Gregory & A & H Jahlelka
Famous Brussels Griffons- Verdel from As good as it Gets
Working Group
Giant Schnauzer
7 Ch Galilee's Pure Of Spirit
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Sex: Bitch
AKC: WS 12649501
Date of Birth: January 11, 2005
Breeder: Maryann Bisceglia & Mary Hayes
Sire: Ch Gloris Arizona Bill
Dam: Ch Galilee's Adeste Fideles
Owner: Mary Hayes & Joe & Carla Sanchez
Famous Giant Schnauzers- None—but my neighbor in Greenville has one!
And the winner is:
Stump, the Sussex Spaniel!
Famous Sussex Spaneils: Stump!!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Westminster Dog Show, Night 1.
I am a faithful watcher of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show each year, and when I lived in NYC, I was lucky enough to attend this event, albeit, all by myself. This year is no exception, and I decided to post the winners of the dogshow, maybe with a hint of that Laura humor y’all have all come to love ;).
Stats via
The winners after the Jump!
Hound Group:
Scottish Deerhound
8 Ch Gayleward's Tiger Woods
Sex: Dog
AKC: HP 00534301
Date of Birth: January 11, 2002
Breeder: Gayle Bontecou
Sire: Ch Chartwell Silver Run Vale Vu SC
Dam: Ch Gayleward's Sullivan
Owner: Gayle Bontecou
Famous Scottish Deerhounds-annnnnddd, I can’t think of any…
Terrier Group:
Scottish Terrier
10 Ch Roundtown Mercedes Of Maryscot
Sex: Bitch
AKC: RN 08013301
Date of Birth: April 02, 2005
Breeder: Mary O'Neal & Anstamm Kennel
Sire: Ch Anstamm Like A Rock
Dam: Ch Maryscot Painted Black
Owner: Amelia Musser
Famous Scotties: Jock from Lady and the Tramp, and Barney Bush, the former First Dog.
Non-Sporting Group
Standard Poodle
27 Ch Randenn Tristar Affirmation
Sex: Bitch
AKC: PP 67215501
Date of Birth: January 31, 2003
Breeder: Randy E Garren & Dennis McCoy & Joe & Joan Lacey
Sire: Ch Eaton Affirmed
Dam: Ch Randenn Tres Chic
Owner: Toni Sosnoff & Martin Sosnoff
Famous Standard Poodles: Georgette from Oliver and Company
Herding Group
10 Ch Cordmaker Field Of Dreams
Sex: Dog
AKC: DN 06708503
Date of Birth: March 30, 2004
Breeder: P Turner & A Quigley & A & S Lawrence
Sire: Ch Cordmaker Mississippi Mud
Dam: Ch Fuzzy Farm She Love's Me
Owner: Susan Huebner & Jackie Beaudoin
famous Puli- None, though, I think Ras Trent might consider adopting one.
Wow, those links took an incredibly long time. I'm sure it's all for naught though, I doubt y'all will look at any of them :(. The rest of the winners, including BEST IN SHOW, tomorrow!!
Iceland is for Lovers
While I love The Lonely Island boys, the best thing on SNL these days is still Kristen Wiig as evidenced by my favorite moment from last Saturday's show: Kristen as Bjork discussing the Icelandic Financial Crisis.
"Welcome to Iceland! There is no sunlight. You are on fiiiiiiiire. A demon takes your faaaaaaace. COME TO ICELAND AND GIVE US YOUR EYE!"
Incredibad Is Coming For You
The Lonely Island's CD/DVD combo album is coming out tomorrow and one of the tracks was featured as an SNL Digital Short this past Saturday. Can you handle it?
The complete Incredibad Track Listing after the jump!
Disc 1 - CD
"Who Said We're Wack"
"Santana DVX" (featuring E-40)
"Jizz in My Pants"
"I'm on a Boat" (featuring T-Pain)
"Sax Man" (featuring Jack Black)
"Lazy Sunday" (featuring Chris Parnell)
"Normal Guy" (interlude)
"Boombox" (featuring Julian Casablancas)
"’Shrooms" (interlude)
"Like a Boss"
"We Like Sportz"
"Dreamgirl" (featuring Norah Jones)
"Ras Trent"
"Dick in a Box" (featuring Justin Timberlake)
"The Old Saloon" (interlude)
"Punch You in the Jeans"
"Space Olympics"
"Natalie's Rap" (featuring Natalie Portman)
Disc 2 - DVD
"Jizz in My Pants"
"Just 2 Guyz"
"Lazy Sunday" (featuring Chris Parnell)
"Ras Trent"
"Dick in a Box" (featuring Justin Timberlake)
"We Like Sportz"
"Space Olympics"
" Bing Bong Brothers"
I know what I'm doing tomorrow.
Dollhouse Week!
In honor of the premier of Joss Whedon's new show, Dollhouse, I'll be posting a dollhouse related video every day of this work week! Huzzahhhh!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
My feelings exactly Seth. Though, I do have special insider knowledge that leads me to believe that the guy that took the picture was not the guy that sold the picture...that's beside the point. The guy that sold the picture is a total D*ck.
Friday, February 06, 2009
U R SO GHEY: FIRST!!!11!!1 Post Edition
Noted pop-culture anthropologist and one-man Gay Pride Parade Benjamin Horner is trying to understand what makes in the Internet so gay to the majority of its users; thus he's begun a project on Pop Cultured in which you (our lovely readers) can submit Internet anythings and Benjamin will analyze it with his flawless Homoness Richter Scale (the HRS, for short). For example, a few litmus tests:

Thursday, February 05, 2009
Since iTunes on Shuffle Decided to Subject Me to It
I'm not the only one who, 14 years ago, thought the lyrics to this song were "It's the right time to roll in meat," right? What?
No seriously... why are you giving me that look?
Bill O'Reilly vs. Christian Bale
This remix pits Christian Bale's freakout against my favorite celebrity meltdown, Bill O'Reilly and his "Fuck it! We'll do it live." Needless to say this well crafted little bit of viral video insanity is NSFW.
I like to imagine that there was some sort of a rift in the space time continuum and they really were arguing with one another and this video just really gets to the truth of that matter.
Laura's response: "Is it bad that that whole rant just makes me love Christian Bale even more?"
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
And The Nominees Are...
It's time to vote for the best picture of the year! Thirty three people participated in our nominating process, designed to mimic the Academy's crazy system, and the results are finally in. I think the nominees largely mimic the intentions of the voters, though that is largely the result of a few last minute ballots which balanced out the nominees.
David's 25 Things
Since everyone else was doing it.. I figured it'd be an interesting exercise. It was certainly long. That'swhatshesaid.
1. I'm an extremely passionate advocate for atheism and secular humanism. I believe strongly in the power of reason and in the potential for a secular, moral, ethical, and just society. I reject any and all claims based on supernatural or religious explanation and think that such ideas are dangerous. Most of the people I'm close with are religious, though, so I don't talk about this much. Though if you ever want to, I'm more than willing.
2. I like to think I'm not a picky eater. With that said I hate bacon and all pork products. I'm allergic to apples, celery, carrots, and pineapple. Also I'm REALLY lactose intolerant despite cheese being my favorite thing to eat ever.
3. For my entire life I have very sincerely wanted to be a super hero. I would have told at least 100 people my secret identity by now though.
4. Sometimes I worry that I’m too mean but I express affection for the people I’m closest with by picking on them and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
5. If a movie is supposed to make people cry... it makes me bawl like a fucking baby. The worst instance of this is after I saw the movie Big Fish and ended up sobbing in the men's bathroom at the movie theater for like 10 minutes. I won't cry though if I think people are looking.
6. Once a month I consider becoming vegan, thinking that future generations will likely look back on the way we treat animals as barbaric and disgusting. I've always admired people who throughout history have taken a stand for the rights of others and moved civilization forward and I like to think that given the opportunity I would be one of them, Sadly I always decide that until there are delicious meat substitutes available everywhere I'm not doing it. Hopefully someone will invent perfect faux steak and eggs before I die. I also think the people at PETA are total dicks.
7. I'm long-winded.
8. I'm pretty sure when I grow up I'm going to be Lucille Bluth.
9. I suffered terrible neglect as a child and on more than one occasion I've noticed that I suffer all the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, including flashbacks/nightmares, anger, anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and avoidance of stimuli associated with one's trauma. I sometimes worry that my childhood has, for worse, set the direction of who I am. Though I worry about this less and less. On a not-unrelated note, my mother's ringtone used to be "Witchy Woman" and is now No Doubt's "Spiderwebs."
10. I've given the matter a great deal of thought and I'm certain the world didn't exist before the internet and we're all just confused about that. This is undoubtedly similar to the way that the people on Battlestar Galactica seem to think they invented the Cylons within the last 100 years while they've actually been around for millennia.
11. As is true with many great loves, I can’t stand New York City half of the time.
12. I’m a member of the ACLU, the NAACP, the Human Rights Campaign, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Paley Center for Media.
13. I’m deeply grateful for my friends. There are many of you that I truly consider family. Sadly I suck at calling people regularly as I’m often VERY awkward on the phone.
14. Laura, Rebecca, Kenny, Woodie, Leland, Julie, and David Axe in particular, have had a huge impact on shaping me into the person that I am. A lot of what I like best about myself comes from them.
15. When I was in middle school I used to take part in weekly, online Star Trek role-playing games. I even had a little communicator pin that I would sometimes wear on my shirt during this. To this day I wonder how I lost my virginity in High School.
16. I prefer salty drinks to sweet ones. My favorites are Dirty Vodka Martinis and Salty Dogs. Though yesterday I found Firefly Sweet Tea vodka at a store in midtown and subsequently died of happiness.
17. Meeting Steve is, hands down, the best thing that's ever happened to me. I feel like every year we grow closer together. I'm so proud to be with him and I can't wait to raise a family with him.
18. Meeting Steve was not an accident, as I thought he was cute when I worked the desk at his dorm and stalked him online. When he caught me I managed to convince him I didn't know who he was or how his name was on my Buddy List. I can't remember how long it was before I told him this but he found it amusing by then and not REALLY creepy.
19. I love trivia and board games and when I play them I’m competitive to an unhealthy degree. I particularly love the game Risk, but no one ever wants to play it with me. I also have a theory that everyone in the world gets together without me to play the game Apples to Apples as everyone I know has played it and I’ve never had the chance.
20. My ultimate gaming dream is to have a weekend-long, 39-hour game of Survivor with 15 of my friends. This WILL happen.
21. I’m particularly adept with computers and I really enjoy learning about science but never once considered majoring in anything that would make it easy for me to find a job. I can’t decide if that was a mistake or not.
22. I try to make it a policy not to hate anyone, but my landlord in Harlem was probably the worst person ever and it’s REALLY satisfying to hate him, even 2 years after I last saw him.
23. My most prominent memory from elementary school is of a friend of mine asking me to go sharpen his pencil for him because it broke after he had accidentally wet himself at his desk. I don’t think I will ever forget how mortified for him I was.
24. If I ever get a tattoo it will either be an argyle band around my ankle (like a permanent sock) or the Sigils of the Endless from The Sandman series.
25. Part of me secretly hopes for a Zombie Apocalypse because I think I’d be GREAT at leading a civilization under siege by the undead. I dream about this almost weekly.
26. I didn't realized this was going to be so effing long. I can talk about myself forever. As evidence... I even added a 26th thing about me.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
25 things...most of them are pop culturey
Since I’ve been tagged several times in the infamous 25 things note on Facebook, I decided to do one of these things, and just put it on the blog… Great news for everyone that wants to know more about me!!
1. I have no idea how I’m perceived by other people, but I wonder about it all the time. It’s a strange and weird obsession of mine.
2. When people ask me what my favorite movie is, I usually say Ghostbusters
3. I lived in Harlem for a year and thus far, it was probably the most defining year of my life
4. I was really conservative my freshman year of college. I’ve moved all the way to “moderate.”
5. Talking about politics makes me physically uncomfortable.
The Rest after the jump!
6. I take my friendships very seriously, and I love staying in touch with people, but I hate talking on the phone. Thank God for text messages, instant messaging, email, and Facebook.
7. My parents live in the same house I grew up in, since they’ve been married, they’ve never moved.
8. I hate it when TV shows and movies make the Greek system out to be evil. It pisses me off to no end.
9. I hate it when people that don’t know any sorority or fraternity members judge them because they are in a sorority or fraternity.
10. I know all of the words to the Carolina fight song.
11. I went backpacking through Europe with my brother and sister in the summer of 2005.
12. I hate waking up in the morning…I like to stay in bed as long as possible, even though it often means I end up inconveniencing myself.
13. I hate shopping for clothes. I like having them, but dressing rooms, etc, so boring. I do love buying movies though.
14. I have a VERY particular order to my DVD collection.
15. I’m extremely fidgety, I can’t wear nail polish without peeling it off, and beer bottles often end up bare because of me.
16. I have a pretty bad learning disability, and it wasn’t until college that I really started managing it successfully.
17. I procrastinate like nobody’s biznass. I often don’t start things until the night before they are due. This was much easier to get away with in undergrad.
18. I pride myself on my air drumming skills.
19. I watch the Westminster Dog show religiously every year.
20. I do not go to Church, but I’m a big fan of JC and God.
21. I get really excited and giddy when I see a trailer for a movie I’ve been wanting to see.
22. I love watching golf on television.
23. My perfect Sundays entail watching TV on DVD all day.
24. I consider myself an extremely lucky person and I try not to take any of my blessings for granted, but I know I do.
25. I like salt on grapefruit.
Liz Lemon Meets Don Draper
This sneak preview of this weeks 30 Rock is AMAZING! Jon Hamm and the return of "I want to go to there."
Total Eclipse of the Heart
So I ended up at the following video on YouTube by means of a chain of videos so embarrassing that I refuse to post it. This song ALWAYS makes me think of/miss Rebecca. So, here's to you, Soul Glo! This video is an astounding work of art. It would only be improved by somehow being painted on black velvet.
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Give Michael Phelps a break...come on...
So I'm reading this RIDICULOUS story about Michael Phelps getting caught praising the green Jesus... it's only of interest to me is because it happened in Columbia, and my favorite bar from undergrad, Pavlov's, was mentioned. Also, I remember Jordan Matthews from Sorority Rush...she didn't go ADPi :(.
ANYWAY, I've been reading the comments on this story (always a mistake), and I just can't believe the stupidity and naivete of some of the world's inhabitants. JC, the guy just spent YEARS working harder than anyone could rightly imagine, and became the greatest Olympian of all time, let the boy have some fun.
Also, when you read this story, you can only imagine the guy that leaked this picture...I think his girlfriend may well have been one of the girls "hanging all over" Phelps. What an Ass.
Not that I want this to turn into the News Blooper blog but I just happened to find this on YouTube. The less you know about it going in the better.