Because I had nothing else to post this morning...
I decided to post this because I couldn't think of anything better...
I decided to post this because I couldn't think of anything better...
So it's Sunday night in G-vegas and since I'm exhausted from being a social butterfly over the holiday, I decided to do the TV marathon. This time in the form of the Tudors...
While watching, I was obviously talking to David on good 'ole ichat, and here is our convo:
L: My Goal tonight--finish the second season of the Tudors
D: How many episodes do you have to go?
L: I think somewhere between 6-8
L: Ambitious? Yes.
L: I wonder if anyone has made a You Tube video montage of the Tudors while "Womanizer" was playing
(ED NOTE: 3 minutes later, after a quick youtube search)
L: Apparently 'yes' is the answer to that question:
And that conversation leads to this viddy:
This Kangaroo wants you to have a Joyous Boxing Day... a Hoppy Boxing Day perhaps? What do you mean that's not right kind of boxing?
Steve and I just finished watching "Love, Actually," my favorite Christmas movie and a guaranteed tear jerker for me. I lose it and start bawling at least four times whenever I watch it. The only movie I can think that make me cry more is "Lilo & Stitch." Don't judge me!
This video is fantastically cheesy and I have to admit I LOVE this song. A side note: what is up with the Santa in this video? His eyes are terrifying.
In case you hadn't heard... Fox is working on a new pilot, a dramedy about four single gal pals who live in New York City. The catch is that they're werewolves. The name of the series: Bitches. That sound you just heard was the end of civilization.
On the upside this is bound to be a huge hit with furries.
The following video of German a capella group "Die Wise Guys" singing Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" in German is the very essence of the holiday season. Oh, it's not? Forget that then. It's fun though!
Ok, so perhaps I watch too much televison. Well, I definitely watch too much television, but that doesn’t mean I deserve to be bombarded with Billy Mays infomercials every commercial break. I mean, is there anything this guy doesn’t sell? I looked him up on You Tube, and there were no less than 12 different products he has endorsed with his trademark obnoxiousness, and his wikipedia page says he’s endorsed 55 products. FIFTY FIVE. One of these products is insurance. No joke.
My mom offhandedly advocated his murder once, I don’t remember the actual quote, but she definitely wished death on him. Personally I prefer Vince from the Sham-wow commercial—he’s just awesome.
If you aren’t familiar with this guy, I’ve added some videos after the jump, including Vince from Sham-wow. I wonder if Pop Cultured gets any $$ for posting these videos? David, do you know?
My roommate actually bought this once. It did not work very well.
The following video is the stuff nightmares are made of. It's possibly the only thing that scares me more than clowns. I present Cheetah Lady:
The New Buffy Season 8 Comic book came out today, and marks the beginning of an Arc featuring the ill fated animated series. I have yet to read the actual issue, so I can't say if it's any good, but I'm super pumped!!
This little girl is so adorable it makes my womb ache. I don't know how someone else gave birth to my daughter but I want her back now!
For a limited time only... Here's the first episode of Season Two of Flight of the Conchords:
OMG! My sister found this tonight...and if you know me well, then you can imagine how excited I was to find it! Ahhhhhh!
One of the Major family Christmas Eve traditions is eating Pizza and watching a Movie. Each year the movie changes, but for the last few years (well, since I've had Pinky and the Brain on DVD) we've also watched the Pinky and the Brain Christmas special. Nothing makes me cry like this clip. Sadly, I couldn't find the whole thing, so it's broken up, but I'm sure you, my wise and loyal readers, can figure it out.
Part 1:
This week's SNL was great, Amy Poehler returned and John Malkovich did a fantastic job as host. Per usual, Hulu left out a few of the really great sketches, but with any luck they'll post them later, (keep your fingers crossed for J'accuzzi). My favorites from last night's SNL:
'Twas the night before Christmas
Tonight the University of Florida Gators Beat the #1 ranked University of Alabama Crimson Tide 31-20 in the SEC Championship. The Gators will be contending for the national championship this year where they will turn the Oklahoma Sooners into GATOR BAIT!!
So having 2 Scrooge McDuck videos is a little much, and it does seem like our blog features either something from Ducktales The Muppets, or Full House every other day, but my motto is, "write what you know." Or, in our case, post videos of things that you know.
ANYWAY, this was in the related videos section of the previously posted video on YouTube, and I couldn't resist. It's very educational, and could maybe we could learn something from Scrooge in these tough economic times.
I remember my Dad sending me the 2007 version of this video last year, but the updated version hits the nail on the head. This about sums up how I feel about the "game" on Saturday, and I'm pretty sure everything Adolf says was said in my house on that cold, rainy November day.