Because I had nothing else to post this morning...
I decided to post this because I couldn't think of anything better...
I decided to post this because I couldn't think of anything better...
So it's Sunday night in G-vegas and since I'm exhausted from being a social butterfly over the holiday, I decided to do the TV marathon. This time in the form of the Tudors...
While watching, I was obviously talking to David on good 'ole ichat, and here is our convo:
L: My Goal tonight--finish the second season of the Tudors
D: How many episodes do you have to go?
L: I think somewhere between 6-8
L: Ambitious? Yes.
L: I wonder if anyone has made a You Tube video montage of the Tudors while "Womanizer" was playing
(ED NOTE: 3 minutes later, after a quick youtube search)
L: Apparently 'yes' is the answer to that question:
And that conversation leads to this viddy:
This Kangaroo wants you to have a Joyous Boxing Day... a Hoppy Boxing Day perhaps? What do you mean that's not right kind of boxing?
Steve and I just finished watching "Love, Actually," my favorite Christmas movie and a guaranteed tear jerker for me. I lose it and start bawling at least four times whenever I watch it. The only movie I can think that make me cry more is "Lilo & Stitch." Don't judge me!
This video is fantastically cheesy and I have to admit I LOVE this song. A side note: what is up with the Santa in this video? His eyes are terrifying.
In case you hadn't heard... Fox is working on a new pilot, a dramedy about four single gal pals who live in New York City. The catch is that they're werewolves. The name of the series: Bitches. That sound you just heard was the end of civilization.
On the upside this is bound to be a huge hit with furries.
The following video of German a capella group "Die Wise Guys" singing Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" in German is the very essence of the holiday season. Oh, it's not? Forget that then. It's fun though!
Ok, so perhaps I watch too much televison. Well, I definitely watch too much television, but that doesn’t mean I deserve to be bombarded with Billy Mays infomercials every commercial break. I mean, is there anything this guy doesn’t sell? I looked him up on You Tube, and there were no less than 12 different products he has endorsed with his trademark obnoxiousness, and his wikipedia page says he’s endorsed 55 products. FIFTY FIVE. One of these products is insurance. No joke.
My mom offhandedly advocated his murder once, I don’t remember the actual quote, but she definitely wished death on him. Personally I prefer Vince from the Sham-wow commercial—he’s just awesome.
If you aren’t familiar with this guy, I’ve added some videos after the jump, including Vince from Sham-wow. I wonder if Pop Cultured gets any $$ for posting these videos? David, do you know?
My roommate actually bought this once. It did not work very well.
The following video is the stuff nightmares are made of. It's possibly the only thing that scares me more than clowns. I present Cheetah Lady:
The New Buffy Season 8 Comic book came out today, and marks the beginning of an Arc featuring the ill fated animated series. I have yet to read the actual issue, so I can't say if it's any good, but I'm super pumped!!
This little girl is so adorable it makes my womb ache. I don't know how someone else gave birth to my daughter but I want her back now!
For a limited time only... Here's the first episode of Season Two of Flight of the Conchords:
OMG! My sister found this tonight...and if you know me well, then you can imagine how excited I was to find it! Ahhhhhh!
One of the Major family Christmas Eve traditions is eating Pizza and watching a Movie. Each year the movie changes, but for the last few years (well, since I've had Pinky and the Brain on DVD) we've also watched the Pinky and the Brain Christmas special. Nothing makes me cry like this clip. Sadly, I couldn't find the whole thing, so it's broken up, but I'm sure you, my wise and loyal readers, can figure it out.
Part 1:
This week's SNL was great, Amy Poehler returned and John Malkovich did a fantastic job as host. Per usual, Hulu left out a few of the really great sketches, but with any luck they'll post them later, (keep your fingers crossed for J'accuzzi). My favorites from last night's SNL:
'Twas the night before Christmas
Tonight the University of Florida Gators Beat the #1 ranked University of Alabama Crimson Tide 31-20 in the SEC Championship. The Gators will be contending for the national championship this year where they will turn the Oklahoma Sooners into GATOR BAIT!!
So having 2 Scrooge McDuck videos is a little much, and it does seem like our blog features either something from Ducktales The Muppets, or Full House every other day, but my motto is, "write what you know." Or, in our case, post videos of things that you know.
ANYWAY, this was in the related videos section of the previously posted video on YouTube, and I couldn't resist. It's very educational, and could maybe we could learn something from Scrooge in these tough economic times.
I remember my Dad sending me the 2007 version of this video last year, but the updated version hits the nail on the head. This about sums up how I feel about the "game" on Saturday, and I'm pretty sure everything Adolf says was said in my house on that cold, rainy November day.
So I'm pretty bummed right now, this is on television and it might well be the only thing that can make me feel better.
My sis and I were watching Gilmore Girls this morning, and as happens every morning at 11:59, the show ended and Full House began. Well, before we could change the station, we caught this gem of a clip:
The adorableness of this video will make you melt (in a good way, not in a Wicked Witch way).
David and I got to watch SNL together this week, which is always a treat--the first half was a little slow, but you can always count on Justin Timberlake and Snagglepuss!
Videos after the jump!
So the first full trailer for the new Star Trek film is out on prints of Quantum of Solace. Someone was kind enough to record a bootleg and post it on youtube:
On Friday Evening, David and I decided to take a "Flight of the Conchords tour." This entailed us going to the fake New Zealand Consulate, Dave's Pawn Shop, and Bret and Jemaine's Apt. This was an interesting trip, as neither of us had spent much time in China town, which is actually really cool and fun at night. Here are some pictures!!! (note: it was kinda dark and foggy, so excuse the pic quality).
So we saw the 1:30 showing of Repo! The Genetic Opera this afternoon at the Angelika and it was every bit the hot mess I was hoping for. It's showing right now in LA, Austin, New York, Las Vegas, and San Francisco. It'll be in theaters in Toronto on November 21. If you like rock operas, gore, hating Paris Hilton, Anthony Stewart Head, staring at a screen with incredulity or torturing friends who don't enjoy any of those things... grab a friend and GO NOW! If you aren't lucky enough to live in one of those few cities, where it's showing on a combined 8 screens, the DVD is coming out January 20th!
Last night while waiting for delivery from Insomnia Cookies, Laura and I watched this masterpiece...
David and I have been getting a lot of flack recently for our "slight" to the Duck Tales Theme song. In all honesty, we forgot to place it on the original list--the only reason it got added was because I couldn't find an acceptable version of the SNL intro. Glad I got that off my chest. Right now I'm sitting in the Charlotte airport waiting for my 1:40 take off and I'm trying to think of a way to appease the Duck Tales Gods (and Girl Woodie and Tug). All I came up with was sharing the wikipedia synopsis.
From Wikipedia:
The show features the adventures of Scrooge and his nephews. The nephews, who were originally living with their uncle Donald, are left in Scrooge's care when the former joins the Navy.
Though Scrooge is the richest duck in the world, he constantly tries to find ways to increase his wealth. Many episodes involve protecting his wealth from villains who want to rob Scrooge of all his money. The prominent recurring antagonists in the show include the Beagle Boys and Magica De Spell who are always finding ways to rob and swindle Scrooge and his nephews. Scrooge's nemesis in the show is Flintheart Glomgold, who always tries to devise plans to dethrone Scrooge McDuck from his "Richest duck in the world" title.
What a fascinating show. As my dear friend Rebecca "Soul Glo" Morrell will most likely add, Donald Duck didn't care for pants, which leads me to ponder his decision to go into the Navy. Don't ask don't tell, indeed.
Entertainment Weekly has the first look at the new USS Enterprise NCC-1701. Nerd alert!
Generally I like it. It's faithful to the original but much more modern looking. Eh, what do I know. I only really liked the Original Series movies. I'm a Next Generation man.
The following is a cover of Radiohead's Creep by a chorus of 60 Belgian women, a concept which sounds awkward and amusing, but is actually haunting, etherial, and absolutely beautiful.
I'm heading to NYC tomorrow! I get to see David and so many other people/places. It should be exciting for you readers out there too, as we're going to be co-blogging from the same city--ooohhhh...
Here's some more Flight of the Conchords. This song is great for facebook statuses:
The bold documentary film, my personal favorite, which challenges that age old adage: "Well, it must be true if it's on the interweb."
So earlier today I read about a new TV series that simply BLOWS MY MIND... Dead Set, a horror mini-series that aired on Britain's E4 in October. Combining two of my favorite things ever, reality television and zombies, Dead Set aired over five consecutive nights, chronicling a zombie outbreak that strands housemates and production staff inside the Big Brother house during the taping of a fictional season. It can be viewed on Youtube here:
This clip, from Final Destination 2, is without a doubt the most melodramatic and insane car crash ever put to film. When I worked at a movie theater we had this film and I would run into the theater just to see this sequence. Warning: viewing this sequence will make you REALLY freaked out whenever a logging truck is in front of you on the highway. It also makes me mildly paranoid about beverages in the car. Seriously a hot cup of coffee and a water bottle KILL PEOPLE in this scene.
Seventeen year-old Spencer Elden, aka the naked kid from Nirvana's Nevermind, has recreated the album cover he's famous for at a recent photo shoot.
Proving that cool babies don't necessarily turn into cool people, Spencer remarked: ""it's kind of creepy [to think] that that many people have seen me naked — I feel like I'm the world's biggest porn star.... I have to use stupid pickup lines like, 'You want to see my penis ... again?'"
Sorry, I'm posting yet another video instead of actually writing something, but for some reason I'm really in a Last Waltz mood right now.
Without further ado, The Band singing Up on Cripple Creek:
This Matrix/Windows parody from College Humor is brilliant. It's also got pretty spectacular production values.
This Quake III map, which recreates the interior of The Simpsons' house and Springfield is brilliant. Favorite bits: 1) the Spider-pig tracks on the ceiling in the living room and 2) the clip of the game in action with Green Day's version of the theme song playing in which the words "you fragged mr. burns" appear. Heh. Well played, nerds.
Kanye West's new rotoscoped music video begs some very important questions... Why, god, why is he singing? The autotuning makes it sound like Cher circa "Believe." And why is he in a room filled with paintings of Jetsons' characters with no eyes? Does that mean something?
This song has been in my head all weekend and it's still there, so I thought I'd post the video :)
I think I'm gonna make my facebook status something like "Laura Major won't let those robots eat you" or "Laura Major knows it's demanding to defeat those evil machines" or something like that...
I used to watch this movie on cable all the time.
Since SNL was a rerun last night... I thought I'd throw out this gem from two years ago.
Britney Spears made a surprise appearance at a Madonna concert recently, as did Justin Timberlake. Though they weren't on stage together at the same time. What are they odds they made up back stage? Oh slim to none?
Alas, he's the footage of Brit and Madonna performing together. Enjoy as Madonna pretends to play the guitar and Brit pretends to sing.
Ladies and gentleman... the most photoshopped model... EVER.
She is apparently on a diet so fierce that she only has one thigh.
I'm pretty sure this commercial for Baby Laugh-a-lot just ate my soul.
Joss Whedon's new series Dollhouse has been plagued with production issues. The network decided the first Pilot's tone was off, so a new pilot was shot and the original was made the second episode, until it was decided that it should be scrapped altogether. Production shut down entirely for two and a half weeks so Whedon could work on script issues. The episodes have all been produced out of order. Once again production is being delayed so because of script issues with episode 7.
To top this all off FOX announced today that it will no longer be on Mondays with 24 but instead will be inheriting the Friday night slot of death. Dollhouse premieres Friday Feb 13 at 9pm. Feel free to pick up the Complete Series set with all the unaired episodes next fall.
Frak is my favorite word ever and the following clip shows you the many ways it can be used:
They finally put up some of my favorite clips from last week's SNL!! Whoever selects clips at needs to start getting on the ball with this stuff. If only they had the REALLY weird clip with Ben Affleck and Bill Hader pitching movies, where Hader's clearly on drugs and keeps suggesting weird porn fetish scenarios...
With the release of the ridiculously-named, but awesome-looking Quantum of Solace on Nov 14th getting closer and closer I thought I'd take a look back at some of my favorite James Bond themes. Quantum of Solace's theme by Jack White and Alicia Keys, an odd pair for sure, is "Another Way to Die." If you haven't heard it be sure to click on over and check it out.
I feel really bad about it but the Eric Clapton part of this video made me laugh out loud. Also, who doesn't know how to pronounce Dave Coulier?
These are real statuses from some of my 694 facebook friends (yeah, I’m that popular), but names have been changed so they don’t get mad at me. I have as many liberal friends as conservative ones, but the messages from the right are funnier, which is why there are more listed here—most of the Probama messages just say things like “Gobama,” etc…
John Doe, socialism, get the f*ck out of here, John McCain suspsended his f*cking campaign to complete a 700 billion dollar bailout proposed by the bush admin, socialism.
Jane Doe, for all those people who want to leave the country are silly...also where are you going to go? The whole world loves OBAMA!!!
John Doe- is everyone ready for socialism?
John Doe is saying don't blame me, I voted for Mike Ditka.
Jane Doe is moving outta America! ASAP.
John Doe, all right time to put your money where your mouth is Obama.
Jane Doe, democracy, liberty, and unyielding hope ... that's the beauty of America. It's about time we lived up to this. Obama 08.
More After the Jump
John Doe, is Ross Perot 2012!
Jane Doe is available once more for dancing in the streets.
Jane Doe had a historical night. Obama won (!!!!) AND I saw Michael Phelps in the flesh @ Publix. No, seriously.
Jane Doe is loving everyone's statuses ..... and hopes she still has internet access to read them when her plane lands in some remote area of Canada.
Jane Doe wants a recount.
Jane Doe is all "Yes We Did!!!".
Jane Doe is wondering what happened to the American people? Costa Rica here I come!
Jane Doe thinks Levi is off the hook now...
John Doe is looking for jobs in the Caribbean.
Jane Doe, We're screwed.
John Doe, at least there will still be a filibuster.
John Doe feels bad for small business.
Jane Doe don't worry my friends '76 w/ Carter was the reason for Reagan in '80!
Jane Doe Buckle up, America. We're in for QUITE a ride.
John Doe can't wait to share the wealth!!!!
Jane Doe can't wait to stand in line for bread.
I'll be updating this post throughout the day, because I keep seeing great ones...
also, follow girl woodie's example and leave some in the comments!!
John Doe is anticipating Palin's next career move: replacing Hasselbeck on "The View".
Jane Doe feels like the United States of America just won the superbowl.
John Doe is going to colonize northern Antarctica. Penguins and capitalism!
John Doe, hold on to your property people, because one day the government might think they are better suited to manage it than you.
Jane Doe has 46 remaining Gap, Inc. Friends and Family invitations for 30% off at Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy, and Piperlime. Email me if you want one!
This short from College Humor shows us what the future will look like when either Obama or McCain wins the election... according to their opponents.
So I went to go vote today and was told by the volunteers at my polling station that my names weren't on the roll. This was my first election since I registered in New York State. Up until now I'd always voted absentee from my home state of South Carolina. I had checked repeatedly on the New York Board of Elections website to see if my registration had been added and I even attempted to call to talk to a representative there last week to see what the hold up was, as I'd sent in my registration weeks before the deadline. I spent 30 minutes on hold on my cellphone before I gave up.
I went to the polling station with an ungodly amount of ID on hand. I had my Driver's License, my passport, a recent utility bill with my name and address clearly on it. And because of the Board of Elections failure to post my registration to their rolls I had to cast a provisional ballot. Assuming the Board of Elections can eventually verify that they received my registration... it will be counted.
According to one commentator on The NY Times Cityroom blog:
When you go out to the polls today... consider Lando.
According to this commercial, Starbucks is giving away a free tall cup of brewed coffee to those that vote tomorrow. All I want to know is... will they give me a soy latte if I vote for the candidate of Starbucks' choice? 'Cause I am so there. Yum!